Certified Lifting Engineer

Occupation health and safety has become an integral part of people’s life. So, it does happen for the employer who has shouldering responsibility to take care of the employees doing work on his behalf. To prevent any mishaps in the work area, awareness is important to every individual in the work place. People should be highly competent enough to carry out the specified job and reduce the cost associated with accidents. The scope of occupational safety and health has evolved gradually and continuously in response to social, political, technological and economic changes. This course focuses mainly on lifting operation happening in the industry which would help the competent person to carry out the activities with adequate precautions. The Certified Lifting Engineer course is designed to provide extensive knowledge for people who have been working on lifting operation for a long time and this will aid them to understand their technical aspects with engineering solution with the current advancements in the technologies. The course focuses on requirements of relevant standards and also engineering procedures involved with lifting operations. This Advanced Programmer deeply discusses on lifting accessories including their thorough examination procedures and criteria for continued periods of service during the operations.
This course is broadly divided onto 4 units that comprehensively deals with the best practices involved during lifting operations.
Course Goals and Learning Outcomes
This training course will highlight:
At the end of this training course, you will learn to:
Who should undertake CPDSO Certified Lifting Engineer?
This online Certified Lifting Engineer course is designed to help individuals who will be involved in the tenacious lifting operation the major operation during the construction activity. It will ensure the course taker to understand the depth knowledge to be adhered during the lifting operation and ensure the activity to be carried is safe for them as well as for those who are affected by it.
This training course is suitable for those officers who may become involved in these investigation as well as Managers wishing to have a deeper knowledge of this process and crucially how it affects the interpretation of the law, regulations and company procedures. This course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
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