What does NEBOSH stand for?

NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) is a leading UK-based examination board. It offers globally recognized qualifications in health, safety, and environmental management.

What is the Nebosh course and why it’s important?

NEBOSH course qualifications are highly acknowledged among employers across the world. The NEBOSH Certificate is the best qualification to kick-start a career in health and safety. NEBOSH courses are considered the benchmark for health and safety professionals. Over 93% of health, safety and environmental job requirements mandate NEBOSH certification.

NEBOSH’s qualifications are recognized by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment IEMA, and the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management IIRSM, making them valuable credentials for candidates passionate about international career opportunities.

We are a proud GOLD Learning partner of NEBOSH and an accredited provider (centre no. 733) for offering courses at Award, Certificate, and Diploma levels.

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Nebosh Course

Nebosh Course Start Date End Date
NEBOSH IGC 17rd Mar’25 18th Apr’25 Enquiry Now
NEBOSH PSM 07th Apr’25 17th Apr’25 Enquiry Now
NEBOSH HSW 24th Mar’25 27th Mar’25 Enquiry Now
NEBOSH IDIP 24th Mar’25 08th May’25 Enquiry Now
NEBOSH EAW Enquiry Now
NEBOSH FSC Enquiry Now

What is the best NEBOSH Online course to do?

NEBOSH provides a comprehensive range of qualifications at different levels, fulfilling all occupational safety needs.


The most popular international health and safety qualification which is essential for anyone wanting a successful career in health and safety.

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This course is an introductory HSE qualification for learners who need an understanding of the principles of health and safety in their role.

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NEBOSH PSM is a level-4 Qualification. Improve health and safety standards and increase productivity in an ever-changing process industry.

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NEBOSH IDIP is an essential as well flagship qualification for those seeking a senior position in health and safety management.

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Nebosh EAW

Nebosh environmental certificate course introduces the workforce to environmental issues and their vital role in improving organizational ecological performance.

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Nebosh FSC

Online NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety provides the essential skills and knowledge required by people with fire safety responsibilities at work.

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NEBOSH Incident Investigation

This course will give you the skills needed to conduct an incident investigation unaided, and then produce and implement an action plan to help prevent a recurrence.

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The most popular international health and safety qualification which is essential for anyone wanting a successful career in health and safety.

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This course is an introductory HSE qualification for learners who need an understanding of the principles of health and safety in their role.

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NEBOSH PSM is a level-4 Qualification. Improve health and safety standards and increase productivity in an ever-changing process industry.

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NEBOSH IDIP is an essential as well flagship qualification for those seeking a senior position in health and safety management.

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Nebosh EAW

Nebosh environmental certificate course introduces the workforce to environmental issues and their vital role in improving organizational ecological performance.

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Nebosh FSC

Online NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety provides the essential skills and knowledge required by people with fire safety responsibilities at work.

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NEBOSH Incident Investigation

This course will give you the skills needed to conduct an incident investigation unaided, and then produce and implement an action plan to help prevent a recurrence.

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Nebosh Learning Modes

NEBOSH Distance Learning/Online E-learning

Now you can study the NEBOSH courses from your comfort through Distance education/ e-learning. Our NEBOSH courses in this learning mode cover audio-lectured multimedia course materials and all support needed throughout the learning journey.

NEBOSH Virtual/Live Online Training

Green World Group provides a flexible alternative to classroom learning. Our highly respected online NEBOSH courses are delivered via Online live virtual training, where the learners can interact with tutors and gain the best experiences equivalent to classroom learning. Some added benefits to learners include recorded sessions and complimentary multimedia e-learning courseware.

NEBOSH In-Company Training

Green World Group tutors can deliver NEBOSH training at company premises.


Yes, Green World Group offers online NEBOSH courses through virtual/live online training or e-learning

NEBOSH as a course aims to encourage qualified individuals to become the future masters in the health and safety industry. NEBOSH (The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety) is a vocationally inclined independent examining board that provides internationally accredited certification on health, safety, environment, and risk management based on academic practice. Courses that lead to NEBOSH qualifications attract approximately 30,000 candidates annually and are offered by more than 400 course providers in 95 countries around the world.

NEBOSH was primary founded in 1979 by an autonomous testing commission in UK.

Health and safety issues are an area of significant concern with increasing emphasis being laid on by private and public sector industries. This requirement necessitates the need to educate industry practitioners on the optimum knowledge of the same.

NEBOSH qualified personnel, from the Green World Group, are equipped to have the upper hand over competitive qualifications pertaining to the same end. Recognized on the global scale by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA),Green World Group stands tall with unmatched success stories and candidate placements thereby providing greater client satisfaction.

NEBOSH qualification has been categorized as,


  • NEBOSH Health and Safety at Work (HSW)
  • NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation

NEBOSH Certificates

  • NEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC)
  • NEBOSH Process Safety Management (PSM)

NEBOSH Diploma

  • NEBOSH International Diploma (IDip)

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